collateral beauty

Poems with a glimmer

My Favorite Invention

Revolving doors are my all-time favorite pasttime.

There I am in the doorsill at the lake in a place called “Neptune”

Dressed to the nine’s for a half hearted man,

Unwilling to see his friends who stumbled into the mix, see him dance with “such a fatty.”

The next scene, I am washing my mouth out from the fireball I have ingested all evening

For a little boy who won’t take a selfie

At the park with his beloved girlfriend of three months.

The after taste is worse than the cinnamon I still can’t get off my breath.

Then the next scene I replay in my head

Is the other little boy who I spent years in between sea foam sheets

Trying to say “I love you” to who told me my waistline was divine

While he was fucking other people the whole time.

I can still see the clock as it tinkered to 9pm as I debated going to the bar once again

To see a smile on a man’s face I loved, than be stuck in the bottomless ocean

Of the boy’s bedroom as he went on Grindr in the next room.

My head is a sinking ship, seeing all the rooms I stumbled into

Where I should have exited promptly.

Even on the worst mornings, I still revolved in their realms

As if a moth to a match,

Or the earth to the pestering sun.

I always got too close and went ablaze.

Revolving doors have always been the most impressive mechanism

I thought was ever invented.

There is one memory, not long before you left this side of the universe

Where I couldn’t save face, seeing you walk with her hand in hand.

The memory burns, as does the unhinged and unfounded rage.

I wish Revolving doors hadn’t been invented but boy I loved stepping into them.

Here’s to less spinning and more learning these days.

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