collateral beauty

Poems with a glimmer

A Little More Sense

Kids are splashing each other with water balloons on a one-way street.

Their innocence echos.

The fan whirls for seven hours straight.

NBA pre-show continues as the fake lit candles flicker

Their beautiful glow.

Cats are prying outside from an open window, unsure if the kids are enjoying

Or scared of eachother

As they bounce around the steps of stoops and hidden basement apartments.

Opera music from next door wafts over.

A woman decidedly determines that today is a good day inside of her studio.

It was previously filled with  memorial themed mojitos,

Hot dogs and Pink Floyd

During prior engagements, a  thick remedy of friends, a boyfriend, and nephews alike had

Love radiating through the room

And in between the woman’s pores.

Yes, today was a marvelous day where the cliffhangers were dropped from

Critical thinking, the scene was exactly what was needed,

And there were no

Sadness or hysteria to swallow and make the once mad woman


Today was a beautiful day full of linear hopes and fruitful new daydreams.

The woman’s corner of the universe finally felt less off kilter

With the massive loss of former lovers and prior, important friends.

Still she hoped they were okay.

She hadn’t let their stardust die off in her own universe quite yet.

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